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Judie Knoerle

Company Name:
Red Cup Learning, Inc.

Presentation Coaching


2006 E. Olive Street, Shorewood, WI 53211

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Member Since:
Thu, Mar 14th, 2019

Company Description:
Everyone experiences nervousness when asked to give a presentation in front of any size group. The trick is to convert that nervousness into an energetic, interesting and memorable presentation. Overcoming nervousness is primarily about preparation. By using a simple Presentation Planner and some key delivery tips, I can help you structure your presentation, delivery it more confidently and move your audiences to action, which should be the goal of any persuasive presentation. Don't let your nervousness prevent you from enjoying your UPFRONT moment. Attend a workshop, 'Grab a Group' or sign up for personalized coaching by visiting my web site. http://www.redcuppresentations.com/